Metaverse- Perfect Platform to Start a Business

Metaverse- Perfect Platform to Start a Business

Metaverse- Perfect Platform to Start a Business

The Covid-19 pandemic pushed the world into a virtual work environment as it caught most of the global workforce unaware and unprepared. As the pandemic lingered on, a lot of businesses found new creative ways to establish a niche for themselves in their new found virtual reality. 

As the world is transitioning into the post-pandemic era, an opportunity lies on the horizon promising numerous benefits to early movers. Increasingly, more and more companies are realizing the benefits of running a business in the Metaverse. According to a report by JP Morgan, the Metaverse will become an integral part of every business sector in the near future with the annual revenue set to cross $1 trillion.

Stepping into the Metaverse

Like with every new business opportunity, the understanding of Metaverse as a platform is of paramount importance. Broadly, there are two types of Metaverse platforms that are currently available for businesses. Firstly, a blockchain-based Metaverse such as The Sandbox (SAND), Axie Infinity (AXS), and Decentraland (MANA) wherein people can buy virtual real estate, digital assets and a lot more. Finally, the second platform aims at forming a general virtual world for gaming or business purposes. One can classify pre-existing gaming virtual worlds like Fortnite and Minecraft in this category.      

Business Transformation in the Metaverse

Some of the key issues that the Metaverse helps a business solve is interaction with customers, product experience and explaining the brand journey. The Metaverse can become the final push needed for an organization to go ahead with a complete digital transformation. While the platform and the technology surrounding it still may be in a nascent stage, the possibilities are endless and the successful adaptation of the Metaverse can be a game changer for businesses looking for a competitive edge.

Commercial Activities in the Metaverse

There are multiple business opportunities in the recently opened Metaverse that organizations can look at-

●    Virtual Concerts- There are already artists of the global music industry that have held concerts in the Metaverse already. World-renowned artists like Justin Beiber, Ariana Grande and Marshmello have taken the leap into the Metaverse for performance arts.

●    Improved Client Interaction- A big opportunity for businesses presents itself with the advent of Metaverse. The virtual world has removed the distance barrier between the customer and the business, allowing a more interactive insight for the end user into the working and making of the end-product.

●    Remote Working- As a concept, Remote Working was thrust upon the world due to a pandemic but with time, many companies found more benefits in working remote. It allowed greater flexibility to workers and with an ever-improving virtual world landscape, softwares recreated meetings in a virtual environment unlike never before.

●    Digital Real Estate- What may have sounded as a scarcely believable idea a decade ago, has indeed become a reality. Digital real estate sales in the Metaverse crossed $500m in the past one year, and this figure is expected to cross the billion dollar mark in the upcoming year.

Contact MarkAI Corporate Services, your trusted Business Setup Consultant, today! Our team of Company Setup Consultants will guide you through a smooth and seamless business setup in the UAE, ensuring you're ready to capitalize on the multiple opportunities this dynamic market has to offer.

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